Saturday, January 31, 2009

From 60 to ???...

Today was gorgeous- around 60 degrees with a clear blue sky.  I hung the last of the framed pictures to hang and then went walking... and walking... and discovering. A couple hours of cruising around wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants. I made it over 20 blocks away before I started heading back home It was exciting to shed the layers even if it was just for an afternoon. It's supposed to get cold again tomorrow.

Oh and this evening as I moved something I bumped my stained glass window with my head... and it fell. Luckily when I bumped it with my head I reached up to stabilize it so when it fell I was able to catch it. So while it didn't break now I need a new strategy to hang the window... just when I was finally done hanging things ;-) Deep breath... adjust plan... and be glad for the little blessings in the day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. It got all the way down to 60 last night over here. We had to break out the blankets a few weeks ago.....

    The water in our water heater was still at around 160 degrees this morning from the solar heat we harvested the day before. That's after 3 showers last night, dishes, and some laundry. I soooo love the solar water heater!
