Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Moving update...

So I'm pretty well settled in now. I just now got my dining room table legs from Bekins (yup the seriously sucky I'd NEVER reccomend them moving company). Only 4+ weeks later and they finally got around to fedexing the dining room legs. I mean seriously people you had them at the warehouse just sitting there? 

Unfortunately it appears that amongst the 12 other things they really did loose was a box of personal papers, things from my dad, and origional artwork by me and my friends. They lost it before things even got loaded up on the truck to be moved to Denver... so in December. I'm shocked, appalled, and finally coming to terms with it being permanently gone b/c the company really isn't helping me out here. 

But what do you do, eh? At this point it's say a prayer to St. Jude.

But regardless life is going really well. Work is chaos getting ready for a conference next week in Portland and then I'm going to stop by San Diego on the way back to Denver to enjoy a little sun, sand and walking with mom. The next couple of nights are going to be checking out the Banff film festival one night with a chick friend the next night with the guy. Saturday I'm planning to check out a new restaraunt with resteraunt week. There is so much to do here I don't want to leave the town.

Well I'm supposed to be finishing up a chapter for work tomorrow so I really should go... things are happy... 

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The moments where life happens...

It was wonderful... I know this sounds silly but you know when you are observing something and you take that little moment to step back and pause and look around and think- this, this is what I've been looking for... Last night I was in the kitchen putting something on a plate when I looked out through the house and I saw a house full of people- I mean over 10 people in my house drinking, eating and talking. Towards the end of the night we all were sitting around in chairs, on couches, and I even occasionally found a spot on the floor just  talking. 

People liked the food, there was more than enough to drink- folks were gracious enough to bring lots of things so no one went hungry. A couple of folks showed up early to help (thank goodness b/c I was being a bit of a spaz trying to get the casserole in my world's slowest oven) and once folks started showing up everything was in full swing. Earlier in the day I had gone to Pier 1 and Target and aquired some basics... like glasses. The minor things I didn't have many of. I also found this neat candle holder thingy that fits in the fire place (a lot easier than shoveling ashes and a nice soft light) and it was exactly what I had pictured. 

So to my friends that came- it was the  most perfect house-warming party that I could have imagined... thank you. To my friends that helped set up- you kept me sane. And to the serious angels that had every dish washed, all the food put away and table tops cleared before I could even start to lift a finger... well I'm beyond lucky for meeting such good friends.

It's a crash weekend with errands around the house, leftovers to eat, and possibly checking out some live music tonight. Well off to laundry I go...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Keeping busy...

Tomorrow night I am doing one of those things I meant to do the last 3 times I've moved... I'm having a house warming party. People are bringing things, heck people said they'd come! Here's the kicker... I even have a date to my very own party. It's a strange world I'm enjoying here in Denver- I am enjoying my life. 

So wish me luck I haven't actually had a group of people over to my house in years and years and years so I hope I prepared enough but a  couple of the girls are coming over to help me set up and another volunteer said he'd show up to help too... it is one of those moments where I am doing one of those things I always said I'd do...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Denver is for walking...

It has been a lovely sunny day starting with sleeping in, trying out a new church (nice mass but a few too many grey hairs for me and bit too much organ music for me), and walking around till I found a place I wanted to have brunch. An afternoon of reading the sunday NY Times while eating out or sipping caffine at the local coffee shop means one thing- normalicy. I have reached a new normal as I walk through the town to cruise around Wash Park with a friend to talk boys and stretch our legs or a walk over to the local diner to catch dinner and talk life with a new friend. Now granted walking takes a bit more preparation now... I need to remember to wrap the scarf around my neck, toss the gloves in the purse, and stuff a hat into my pocket and put the jacket on PRIOR to going out the front door... but this city inspires me to stretch my legs and venture out. I want to be out and about instead of wanting to curl up at home. Tomorrow it's snow shoeing with a co-worker and her friend. I'm hoping for happy snow and as I'm thinking about that I better be off to adjust the straps on my snow shoes for my boots and get things prepped...

To those who have been pinging me- I'm sorry I've been bad at my typing/texting/calling and general contact but it feels like I've gone out every single night/day this past week. I swear I'll re-boot and re-engage :-)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

snowy days....

Finally... finally I have been to Rocky Mtn National Park. Today I drove up with a friend to the park and we set out on a lovely hike. REI was having a snow shoeing event so I got to try out some cutting edge high end snow shoes I've been looking at for awhile. It was a blast and we both really enjoyed the tromping through the snow. Last year I went snow shoeing and I was amazed at how a little knowledge and better gear (better gloves, more layers, better shoes) makes such a huge difference. We drove a bit through what I'm pretty sure is the southern route of the park and I definately think this place will be a new hang-out. 

The wildlife viewing was really cool at the park. We saw tons of Elk (at least 2 herds) and some big horn sheep. I was really bummed that my camera had already ran out of batteries on the hike up. Next time...

Oh and I went to the Devotchka show Friday night with Mike... ah- they are a Denver insitution for a reason- everytime I see them I like them more. It was a great night and I can't wait till they play again. The show is more art experience than concert- I love it.

It's a Denver life for me these days...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Walking through the park...

It was going to be a quick walk to the coffee shop to meet up to talk about venturing out into the snow this weekend. Ended up that the Daz Bog we wanted to meet at closed at 6- seriously what coffee shop closes at 6pm? 

So I started walking and as I headed over to meet up with my friend I walked across Cheeseman Park... now I'm sure it was a silly thing to do but there is nothing like crossing the grassy park in the moonlight with lights keeping the meadow awash and clear. There were a few people walking around but it wasn't crowded. It was just neat to walk around in the evening through the city and while aware it was just comfy. 

The days stay sunnier later and every day has a moment to enjoy...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A slight pang...

So a former co-worker of mine came through town on his way to a sales demo... we grabbed dinner with a little talk of my new job, a little talk of the old office, and a bit of talk about fun cities.  There is a little pang of missing the sales and PM gang... wanting to feel the rush of dealing with software I know so well instead of starting back at square one learning new software.  Now granted... I don't miss the everyday work or the old boss at all...  I also realized that I'm finding a home here in Denver- I'm finding things to do, meeting people, enjoying the weather and I'm finally not toally freaking out when it snows. 

I miss my mom, the farmer's market, and the sight of the ocean. But each day as I drive to work I love seeing the mountains and the people here are wonderful. So it's getting closer to home and I now have my "home home" (as we used to call it in college) to visit again. I'm going to hopefully take a trip out to San Diego in the next month.  Just the thought puts a  smile on my face... both that I am enjoying Denver so much and that I will get to see mom and home home soon. 

Monday, February 9, 2009

It's raining...

I forgot how nice the rain can be... by that I mean rain is such nice normal weather- plus it smells so nice when it rains. The best of both worlds- snow in the mountains and rain where I am. 

The class I took this weekend was great. It was fun to work through developing an exercise and trying to understand how this region does emergency services and learning thier challenges. It's kinda cool to get a little bit plugged into the local community.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Does it ever recede...

This weekend I decided to expand my horizons a little... in a mass e-mail in the last week or so I noticed an advertisement for a free class teaching exercise design for homeland security. So I keep thinking I'm just going to hug the trees and stick to the whole NEPA thing and then what do I go and do? I sign up for a class  that's Friday night, plus Saturday and Sunday from 8-5.  Then here's the other thing... I'm actually having fun. I mean I'm hanging out with people designing a functional exercise to test a small town EOC with a F-2 tornado. I mean it's exciting and entertaining and damn I thought I was over that whole gee order out of chaos thing...

The class is interesting, the people are cool, and while it's a whole lot of time to invest for one weekend- well it just validates to me that while there is a ton to learn I really do have a good deal of knowledge about various things. So who knows what the future will bring- but I'm not over this whole wildfire thing though it's no longer all consuming it's still facinating. I know, I'm rambling today.

Have to get up early for class and I'm going to go attempt  to program my new coffee pot...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Moments... it's in the moments

So today was a day of doing lots of little things that have been building up- the little things that when added up seem insurmountable... so I suspended the daily responsibilites in order to take care of all those little things that have been tabled for e-mails and phone calls and meeting upon meeting.  So I went to Ace (nope.. the hangers won't work... that darn stained glass window is being a bugger) and the DMV and got my license and just took some moments to mellow.

It's been a strange week with tension due to the changes in the project and it's just been getting to me.  I needed some moments of normalacy :-)  Though there was one moment today that was anything but normal... As I walked into the office to  turn in some paperwork for my registration four guys were exiting and were gracious enough to hold the door open. I smiled at them and said thanks as I walked in. Then one of  the guys came back through the door and asked for my number. Now he was cute but didn't seem my type. So I declined and he persisted and I just kinda looked at him and it struck me he had a bit of a young face and had to ask... how old are you? 

He looked at me and said- 23. I said in that case I am sorry there is no way I will give you my number. He asked my age (definately older than him) and I told him and though he was startled he said it doesn't matter.  Actually the words were more like "that don't matter I'm a grown a$$ man"- ah be still my beating heart right girls? He persisted for a bit more jsutifying that over 21 is all that matters but there's no way  I was giving him my number :-) 

So all in all an entertaining day and a nice looking guy younger than my little brother tried to pick me up... too funny. Well I should be off to crash- you take care.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I think I relate to the squirrel... but which one?

So it was a lovely Sunday morning and I was driving to mass... I was amazed at the great weather (if I wasn't meeting a friend for brunch I would have walked) and admiring the day- blue sky crisp day with a bit of warmth. Then a couple of squirrels darted into the road-  one booked it to safety. I braked as the other one ran right in front of the car but instead of keeping the crazy run in front of my car going the little guy stopped right in front of my tire. I really like animals but I refuse to endanger humans for the little varmin with fluffy tails. So I am sorry to say that since I couldn't swerve to the on-coming traffic and I wasn't going to stop totally b/c of a car behind me- wellI said a prayer for the poor little departed guy at mass.

So today I went to work and learned that the team I work with is now being supervised by another person. It's not necessarily a bad thing or a good thing- just a very unexpected change. After spending an hour on the phone with the moving company trying to chase things down I wasn't ready for another shock to the system. It's not every Monday staff meeting that the immediate organizational structure changes in a extreme and nebulous way. Well... it's one of those roll with it moments. But seriously- can we stop the constant changes in life for a week? Possibly?

Who knows where the path will go... regardless it is a ride worth taking and the trick is to just keep running forward and resist the urge to stop scared.