In general I tend to try and deal with issues and other people before the fun stuff and up until the recent vacation times that meant not as much fun stuff was happening. Today I managed to make time to ride my bike. Now I did a little bit of single track and not a ton of crazy stuff but the amazing thing was there were other pressing agenda items and I stopped, left, and biked for a bit. It was the one thing I wanted to do and I finally just did it. This is the summer for living life instead of waiting for it to come up to me.
You know it's been awhile since I've written anything longer than a facebook post. I think with the ever connectedness the amount or quality of information being dispersed (at least from me personally) has declined. I want to be inspired to write again. I want to spend time walking and capturing the emotions of life. I want to be so wound up and excited about life that I stumble over my words when I post here and I can not sleep till I type again.
But I am tired and it is time to sign off for now... take care you.